Change is both a threat and an opportunity. It's often perceived as disruptive and unsettling, but it can indeed be a powerful catalyst for growth. We know that for good or ill, change is an inevitable part of life, both personally and within organisations. While it can be uncomfortable and challenging, it also presents opportunities for transformation, innovation, and progress. In this article, we’ll look at why we're always promoting change as a catalyst for growth and why embracing it is essential for long-term success.

I sometimes think about a long-jumper when I consider growth. To earn a millimetre even the most practiced athlete - familiar with their craft, demonstrating well-established technique - has to find an edge somewhere. By breaking their sport down into specific skills and trying new techniques (approach, take-off and flight), working on strength and conditioning, and through repetitive practice, long jumpers master their sport over time with dedication and effort. Some growth comes as a result of needing to seek change to find inspiration.
Embracing Discomfort
Change disrupts the status quo, pushing us out of our comfort zones. However, growth rarely occurs within the confines of the familiar. Obviously feeling uncomfortable isn't nice, but when we recognise it as growth, it becomes easier to embrace discomfort, and open ourselves up to something new. Then we have the opportunity to take on board the new experiences, perspectives, or skills. Change gives us a workout in our thinking and our resilience – it might ache initially, but it strengthens us in the long run.
Learning and Adaptation
Change sometimes forces us to learn and adapt. There is often something we must confront - or we suffer the consequences like falling behind at work or feeling confused during important conversations. Often the call to adapt comes from a shift in technology, but there can also be market dynamics, or organisational restructure at play. For all of these situations, we must acquire new knowledge and skills and apply them differently to how we did before. This learning process not only enhances our capabilities but also broadens our horizons. As we adapt, we become more resilient and better equipped to handle future challenges.
Innovation and Creativity
Change disrupts routines and encourages fresh thinking. When faced with change, we become resourceful and seek innovative solutions. Organisations that embrace change foster a culture of creativity, where employees are encouraged to think outside the box. New ideas emerge, leading to breakthroughs, improved processes, and competitive advantages.
Anyone who has ever been camping, or a fan of survivalist stories, will appreciate that without the need for shelter, food or warmth, some forms of invention and innovation would simply not occur. When you're out camping, a simple stick or twig can become a wonderful tool. If you're sitting at home in your comfortable living room, you're probably not even thinking about sticks!
Overcoming Fear of Failure
Change often involves risk. Fear of failure can paralyse us, preventing growth. However, those who view failure as a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block thrive during change. Each setback becomes a lesson, propelling us forward. As Thomas Edison famously said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
Often we fear how other people might view us if we try something and don't succeed at it. If we can embrace those around us as a community who are there alongside us to co-learn and co-develop, we may not feel so intimidated by other peoples' reactions to our misses. Every single one of us is human, and we have all experienced setbacks. It's how we deal with them that ultimately predicts our success.
Resilience and Adaptability
Change builds resilience. When we navigate through uncertainty, setbacks, and unexpected shifts, we develop the ability to bounce back.
Going through a particularly gruelling episode with a strata plan that lasted several years, and involved difficult issues like bullying and corruption, I found that although the hits just seemed to keep coming, my ability to bounce back from them improved. This was then I first started noticing the phenomenon of 'recovery time'.
To be dealing with illicit activities, highly suspicious impropriety and gross misconduct is not easy. It takes an enormous toll because behaviours like that are abusive of peoples' rights and fair expectations under law and contract. However, they can also be difficult to prove, and when there's a lot at stake, liars lie harder and bullies bully double down. This seems a very bleak picture, but what I did noticed was that over time, the amount of days I spent in shock dealing with a newly discovered behaviour, breach or episode, my 'recovery time' reduced. The conduct was equally poor each time, but my ability to collect my wits and stop feeling a visceral pain was reduced. This assisted my clarity and drive to push forward through the issues to more satisfactory outcomes. I was eventually successful in cleaning up the situation after many, many years of tenacity and resilience.
Resilience enables us to withstand adversity, maintain focus, and keep moving forward. Adaptability becomes our superpower, allowing us to thrive in dynamic environments.
Personal Growth and Transformation
On a personal level, change challenges our beliefs, values, and self-perception. It encourages introspection and self-improvement. It provokes us to realise we can only change those things within our control. If we cannot change our circumstances, then we must change, adapt or grow to fit them. Whether it’s a career change, relocation, or a major life event, each transition shapes us. As we evolve, we discover hidden strengths and uncover our true potential.
Using Change as a Catalyst for Growth
Change is not merely an external force; it’s an internal catalyst. Embrace it as a friend, remembering that growth lies on the other side of discomfort. Whether you’re an individual or part of an organisation, view change as an opportunity – a chance to evolve, innovate, and find the gold.
The Agencia Grow Academy offers an online, self-paced program. A skills workout in maintaining equilibrium and professional composure when dealing with difficult environments and demanding stakeholders. Learn what truly drives resistance and how seemingly negative behaviours and emotions provide us with invaluable problem-solving information. By the end of this course, you'll have learned what drives resilience in change environments and how to ensure you're able to perform in even the most difficult circumstances.
Kit yourself up to foresee resistance, clear the path for more realistic team achievement and - when things feel like they're getting emotional - harness the power of emotions to move change forward. For more: