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Business Solutions for your next Transformation

Pick and choose from Agencia Change services to be in control of change management throughout your business transformation. Select from offerings to support your people,  equip your professionals, empower leadership and transform your organisation. To get help designing your ideal change management solution, book a one hour consultation session via video conference, or ask us to contact you.

Change Management Solution Design

Free consultation

AI and Digital Transformation

Professional Man Holding a Tablet

Getting Started with AI for Communicators

Self-paced, online learning from the Agencia Grow Academy

Explore in the Academy

Take a single course or subscribe to the Academy

Academy Subscription



Every week

Take Agencia Grow Academy self-paced online courses at your leisure.

Valid for 26 weeks

The Big Picture

Government Pathway

Getting started with AI for Communicators

Beating the Beat Up

How to Create a Change Plan

Change Programs and Projects

Embed change in People and within Organisations
  • ​We mentor individuals,
  • Coach change management professionals,

  • Partner for short and long term engagements, and

  • Sit on project boards or steering committees.

We participate in or lead change programs or projects to embed change in people and within organisations.

Independent Review  and Campaign Partnership

Third Party Review and discussion Online

Agencia Change will trial, attend and use your offering, product or service and share this with our audience. We provide objective and constructive feedback bringing key features and benefits to the attention of the market.

We meet with you weekly to provide an update on findings and to have your response. We don’t over-do it, we keep a balanced perspective and record our findings in content-based posts in the Agencia Change blog, with daily promotion to social media.​​

A testimonial from a happy Agencia Change customer about the Campaign Partnership service

Social media is dominant in developing purchasing opinions and marketing can’t restrict itself to traditional approaches if it is to be seen by your target audience.


With trends like content-based publicity on the rise, the power of third party review can raise awareness, influence opinions, increase consideration towards your offering, and increase traffic to your online or physical locations.

Change Management and Communications Methodology

Accelerate your Change and Elevate your Communications with Out-of-the-Box Methodology solutions

A confident change manager

Agencia Change Accelerate and Elevate methodologies distill decades of high-performing change management and communications practice into battle tested, practical steps, templates, and tools.​

Structured change management and communications strategies that move your change forward rapidly. Hit the high notes with

  • End-to-end training

  • Full methodology suite out-of-the-box

  • Industry-leading templates and tools

Comprehensive Coaching Packages

High Potency Change
Embed change end-to-end in your change managers and change leaders with our comprehensive coaching package, High Potency Change.

Support team development in change management, grow skills and work together to co-create solutions. Bounce ideas and learn from each other with Agencia Grow - Team Coach.

Team Glow-Up Corporate Retreat

Team Glow-Up

Compliance, Risk Management and Employee Wellness

Team Glow-Up works from the inside out combining team plenary workshops with an innovation in wellness in Australia's first and only multi-sensory Light, Sound, Vibration lab: the Frequency Lab.

As seen in the Australian Financial Review. 

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Boost psychological safety and navigate change effectively in your team. Unlock perspectives on growth, discover personal and leadership potential.


Get to know Agencia Change  Services

Our Community

  • Whoever you are and wherever you are find a trusted partner in us

  • Share in our passion for strongly managed change